A downloadable game

The government has found an alien planet with undiscovered flora and fauna. Since the biome and atmospheric structure of this planet closely resemble Earth’s, there is hope it can be used to replenish Earth’s diminishing food resources. As such, you and five others are stationed on this planet as a form of community service for your crimes in the food industry.

The job is simple. You have to test what substances are edible on the planet, record your findings, and make as many recipes as you can. After meeting your recipe quota, you can go home. Making your own food is your only form of sustenance. 

Made by: Christina Li,  Amber Hsiung, Emily Wen, and Ed Gopez

Published 6 days ago
CategoryPhysical game


Bestiary.zip 1.7 MB
Cook or Kick 2.0.pdf 1.4 MB

Development log


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This is adorable!